• “I really enjoyed the support because it really felt like talking to a friend who could help me and had the connections. It didn't feel forced or automated or procedural. I used the information to provide to the school so that I could break down the barriers of their resistance.”


  • La experiencia con FACT OREGÓN ha sido muy enriquecedora, me sentí en casa, escuchada y orientada hacia una ruta nueva pero con grandes expectativas para lograr el objetivo común, que nuestros niños y jóvenes con capacidades diferentes, logren sentirse y ser felices, plenos, integrados e acogidos en una sociedad incluyente en donde vivan realizados muy a pesar de sus diferencias y necesidades especiales.


  • “Heather was AMAZING. Great wealth of knowledge and super helpful follow up email with a lot of great information and links. I was able to find a testing center for my daughter.”


  • “I most appreciated the facts, the understanding from another parent, the tone in which information was shared, the confidence it gave me.”

    Larque and Camille

  • “The support specialist listened to my concerns and validated my feelings. I really appreciated her caring.”


  • "I really appreciated that the specialist was patient and gave me some helpful advice. English is my second language. When I asked my questions, she was very patient and would rephrase to make sure [we understood each other]. I understand what rights I have after talking to the support specialist. I won’t hesitate to ask for feedback from MECP and will set up a meeting to discuss how things are going."


  • “I used the information to guide my next steps working with a family experiencing challenges with their child's IEP. I appreciated the passion of the specialist! I could feel it through the phone.”

    Alyssa, Community Health Navigator

  • “My support person was absolutely amazing and so helpful! I will be going into IEP meetings with more knowledge. I appreciate everything she helped me with.”


  • “I appreciate her allowing me to talk and explain what I needed and how I felt unheard. It made me feel like I had someone on my side.”


  • Everyone has been so helpful and kind. It’s such a daunting process to go though alone and feels hopeless, but the personal care and support I’ve received has been life changing for me and my children! They are truly helping lay a strong foundation that will help me and my family thrive now and in the years to come.


  • FACT became the strength I needed to hear and feel. They transferred their energy into me and made me feel powerful and knowledgeable.


Support Line

FACT Oregon's Support Line is staffed by parents of youth experiencing disability, and we're here to help!

Wherever you are on your journey, from birth through young adulthood, we are here to answer your questions and help find resources to support your child's academic, emotional, and physical growth and well-being! Collectively, our team has the lived experience and professional training needed to support families through many different milestones. Let us help you carve a path forward to a whole full life! We welcome questions about early childhood, special education (we're the designated statewide Parent Information and Training Center), intellectual and developmental disability services, behavior and communication, self-determination and supported decision making, and so much more! If we don't know the answer, we'll try our best to help you find it!

Laughing woman on cell phone beside speech bubbles with q and a in them

Get Support!

Call or text 503-786-6082 or 541-695-5416

Email us at support@factoregon.org or apoyo@factoregon.org

Someone from our support team will call you back, usually within 48-72 hours. Or, if you’d like, you can choose a time to talk from our calendar by clicking below.

Para las familias que se ponen en contacto con nuestros especialistas en programas bilingües por primera vez, ofrecemos la oportunidad de programar una llamada usando este calendario web.

Click here to learn how our support process works or download a copy of our support agreements below:

Support Agreements: English | Spanish

Accessible Word Doc: English | Spanish

After receiving support, 99% of families described support specialists as helpful and empathetic; 97% reported the information provided was easy to understand, and 96% said that they have a clear next step and felt more knowledgeable