Upcoming Trainings

Garantías procesales en la IEP (en español)
Comprenda sus derechos y protecciones en la educación especial y cómo comunicarse de manera efectiva con los equipos escolares.

Money Skills, No Limits: Financial Empowerment for Youth with Disabilities
This 6-session virtual training series helps young people with disabilities, along with their families, learn how to manage and make smart choices about money. We encourage youth (14-26) and their families to attend together.

Money Skills, No Limits: Financial Empowerment for Youth with Disabilities (Session 2)
This 6-session virtual training series helps young people with disabilities, along with their families, learn how to manage and make smart choices about money. We encourage youth (14-26) and their families to attend together.

Money Skills, No Limits: Financial Empowerment for Youth with Disabilities (Session 3)
This 6-session virtual training series helps young people with disabilities, along with their families, learn how to manage and make smart choices about money. We encourage youth (14-26) and their families to attend together.

Money Skills, No Limits: Financial Empowerment for Youth with Disabilities (Session 4)
This 6-session virtual training series helps young people with disabilities, along with their families, learn how to manage and make smart choices about money. We encourage youth (14-26) and their families to attend together.

Money Skills, No Limits: Financial Empowerment for Youth with Disabilities (Session 5)
This 6-session virtual training series helps young people with disabilities, along with their families, learn how to manage and make smart choices about money. We encourage youth (14-26) and their families to attend together.

Money Skills, No Limits: Financial Empowerment for Youth with Disabilities (Session 6)
This 6-session virtual training series helps young people with disabilities, along with their families, learn how to manage and make smart choices about money. We encourage youth (14-26) and their families to attend together.

Transition to Kindergarten
Get Ready for Kindergarten! For Families of Young Children with Disabilities
Kindergarten is a big change! Understand what’s coming next as your child transitions from an IFSP to an IEP.

Unlocking Potential in Special Education: Transforming Outcomes for Students with Disabilities
Families…educators…school leaders…community partners…are you ready to change how we support students with disabilities?
This conference is your chance to learn new tools, strategies, and ideas from leading experts who are creating spaces where all students can succeed.
We’re excited to have Dr. Julie Causton and Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak as our keynote speakers. National leaders in education, they are called "magical inclusion experts" and "educator's educators”. " Together, they will share five powerful and practical strategies to make inclusive education successful.
Breakout Sessions
After our keynote, we’ll deepen our learning with:
Dr. Samuel Sennott, an associate professor at Portland State University and creator of Proloquo2Go, will show how Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) helps students with communication needs express themselves and thrive.
Jeremy Wells, an Education Program Specialist at the Oregon Department of Education, will explain how accommodations and modifications boost student success and help families support their children.

Early Childhood Learning Conference
Saturday, February 8, 2025
A virtual learning day for families of young children with disabilities and the professionals who support them. Get practical tools and knowledge to navigate your child’s early education journey with confidence!
What you will learn:
Understanding Your Child’s IFSP: Learn what an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) is and how you can be an active part of the process.
Transition Steps: Understand key steps as your child moves from Early Intervention (EI) to Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE), and then to Kindergarten.
Behavior Support and Social Emotional Learning: Discover ways to help young children develop strong social and emotional skills and access behavior supports in early learning and care settings.
How to Get Involved with LICCs: Find out how you can participate in your local interagency coordinating council (LICC) to advocate for early childhood services.
Parent Experiences: Hear from other parents about their journeys through early childhood services and what they’ve learned.
Inclusive Practices: Learn from members of the Oregon Early Childhood Inclusion Initiative about the state’s goals and priorities for inclusive learning and care.
Advocating with Data: Discover how to find and use data to advocate for policies and practices that support young children with disabilities.

Pathways to Adulthood: A Learning Conference About Transition
Pathways to Adulthood: A Learning Conference About Transition will be on Saturday, January 25. Youth with disabilities (14-21), their families, and professionals will explore what they need to know to create a roadmap to adult success.
Pathways to Further Education and Work
Understanding Oregon’s Graduation Pathways and School Completion Options
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)
Pathways to Success: Supported Employment
Transition Network Facilitators (a panel discussion)
Independent Living and Financial Skills
Supported Living and Housing Options for People with Disabilities
Financial Empowerment for Youth and Families
Navigating Benefits and Employment for People with Disabilities
Self-Advocacy and Decision-Making
Supported Decision Making and Alternatives to Guardianship
Empowering Choices: How Oregon’s Brokerage System Supports Self-Determination
Let’s Talk About Sex! (for parents)

Transition Goals in the IEP: A Roadmap for the Future
Learn why planning for life after school is important for students with disabilities, when to start, and how special education services help prepare students with disabilities for adulthood.

Session 3: Introduction to Disability and Special Education
Introduction to Disability and Special Education
Join FACT Oregon for a series of three introductory trainings on disability and special education. In these sessions, you will learn key concepts related to disability, understand the purpose of special education and the six main principles of IDEA, and Explore how to advocate for your child and work with their school team effectively.

Session 2: Introduction to Disability and Special Education
Introduction to Disability and Special Education
Join FACT Oregon for a series of three introductory trainings on disability and special education. In these sessions, you will learn key concepts related to disability, understand the purpose of special education and the six main principles of IDEA, and Explore how to advocate for your child and work with their school team effectively.

Session 1: Introduction to Disability and Special Education
Introduction to Disability and Special Education
Join FACT Oregon for a series of three introductory trainings on disability and special education. In these sessions, you will learn key concepts related to disability, understand the purpose of special education and the six main principles of IDEA, and Explore how to advocate for your child and work with their school team effectively.

Special Education and the IEP | La educación especial y el IEP
FACT Oregon, the state’s Parent Training and Information Center (PTI), will join the November Philomath SEAC meeting to talk about IEPs and share tips and tools to support effective communication between families and school teams!

Special Education: Tips and Tools to Support Families
FACT Oregon, the state Parent Training and Information Center (PTI), and the Oregon COOAST Network invite families to learn about IDEA and special education and how to be involved in the process.

Special Education: Tips and Tools to Support Families
FACT Oregon, the state Parent Training and Information Center (PTI), and the Oregon COOAST Network invite families to learn about IDEA and special education and how to be involved in the process.

Panel de padres: Ayudando a los niños a usar la Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa
¡Acompáñenos a un panel de padres especial!
Habrá padres compartiendo sus historias y consejos sobre cómo ayudar a los niños a usar la Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa (AAC).
Entérese de cómo ha mejorado la vida de los niños usando la AAC.

Parent Panel: Helping Children Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Parent Panel: Helping Children Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Come join us for a special parent panel!
Parents will share their stories and tips on helping children to use AAC.
Find out how using AAC has improved their children's lives.

Empoderamiento financiero para jóvenes con discapacidades
Esta serie de 6 sesiones ayuda a los jóvenes con discapacidades a aprender cómo administrar y tomar decisiones inteligentes sobre el dinero. Esta capacitación es para jóvenes con discapacidades (14-26) y sus familias. Los jóvenes DEBEN asistir.

Financial Empowerment for Youth with Disabilities
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Sep 17-18, Sep 24-25; Oct 8-9
6:30 - 7:30 PM | Zoom
This 6-session series helps young people with disabilities learn how to manage and make smart choices about money.
This training is for youth with disabilities (14-26) and families. Youth MUST attend.

Empoderamiento financiero para jóvenes con discapacidades
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Sep 17-18, Sep 24-25; Oct 8-9
6:30 - 7:30 PM | Zoom
This 6-session series helps young people with disabilities learn how to manage and make smart choices about money.
This training is for youth with disabilities (14-26) and families. Youth MUST attend.

Financial Empowerment for Youth with Disabilities
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Sep 17-18, Sep 24-25; Oct 8-9
6:30 - 7:30 PM | Zoom
This 6-session series helps young people with disabilities learn how to manage and make smart choices about money.
This training is for youth with disabilities (14-26) and families. Youth MUST attend.

Transición a la edad adulta: La atención médica y el IEP
Oregon Familia a Familia Centro de Informacion de Salud y FACT Oregon presente
Aprenda como el IEP pude ayudar a los jovenes con discapacidades a participar en sus propias decisiones de atencion medica...porque tomar decisiones sobre la salud es parte de convertirse en un adulto y vivir una vida plena.

Transition to Adulthood: Healthcare and the IEP
Transition to Adulthood: Healthcare and the IEP

Financial Empowerment for Youth with Disabilities
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Sep 17-18, Sep 24-25; Oct 8-9
6:30 - 7:30 PM | Zoom
This 6-session series helps young people with disabilities learn how to manage and make smart choices about money.
This training is for youth with disabilities (14-26) and families. Youth MUST attend.

Empoderamiento financiero para jóvenes con discapacidades
Esta serie de 6 sesiones ayuda a los jóvenes con discapacidades a aprender cómo administrar y tomar decisiones inteligentes sobre el dinero. Esta capacitación es para jóvenes con discapacidades (14-26) y sus familias. Los jóvenes DEBEN asistir.

Empoderamiento financiero para jóvenes con discapacidades
Esta serie de 6 sesiones ayuda a los jóvenes con discapacidades a aprender cómo administrar y tomar decisiones inteligentes sobre el dinero. Esta capacitación es para jóvenes con discapacidades (14-26) y sus familias. Los jóvenes DEBEN asistir.

Financial Empowerment for Youth with Disabilities
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Sep 17-18, Sep 24-25; Oct 8-9
6:30 - 7:30 PM | Zoom
This 6-session series helps young people with disabilities learn how to manage and make smart choices about money.
This training is for youth with disabilities (14-26) and families. Youth MUST attend.

Financial Empowerment for Youth with Disabilities
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Sep 17-18, Sep 24-25; Oct 8-9
6:30 - 7:30 PM | Zoom
This 6-session series helps young people with disabilities learn how to manage and make smart choices about money.
This training is for youth with disabilities (14-26) and families. Youth MUST attend.

Empoderamiento financiero para jóvenes con discapacidades
Esta serie de 6 sesiones ayuda a los jóvenes con discapacidades a aprender cómo administrar y tomar decisiones inteligentes sobre el dinero. Esta capacitación es para jóvenes con discapacidades (14-26) y sus familias. Los jóvenes DEBEN asistir.

Empoderamiento financiero para jóvenes con discapacidades
Esta serie de 6 sesiones ayuda a los jóvenes con discapacidades a aprender cómo administrar y tomar decisiones inteligentes sobre el dinero. Esta capacitación es para jóvenes con discapacidades (14-26) y sus familias. Los jóvenes DEBEN asistir.

Financial Empowerment for Youth with Disabilities
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Sep 17-18, Sep 24-25; Oct 8-9
6:30 - 7:30 PM | Zoom
This 6-session series helps young people with disabilities learn how to manage and make smart choices about money.
This training is for youth with disabilities (14-26) and families. Youth MUST attend.

¡Preparándose para el regreso a clases!)
Preparing for Back To School: Tips and tools for a smooth transition back to school for students receiving special education.

Preparing for Back to School
Preparing for Back To School: Tips and tools for a smooth transition back to school for students receiving special education.

Active su abogacía (AYA): programa de liderazgo - Sesión 8
Estamos encantados de anunciar dos grupos esta primavera: nuestra grupo de idioma inglés y una grupo de idioma español, dirigida por nuestros coordinadores de programas bilingües.
El propósito de AYA es capacitar e involucrar a padres y miembros de la familia que quieren abogar por cambios en el sistema educativo que mejoren los resultados de los niños con discapacidades.
Los participantes de AYA tienen una amplia variedad de experiencias y perspectivas y están motivados para ayudar a sus comunidades. AYA está destinado a personas que no solo quieren aprender a abogar por sus propios hijos, sino también quieren aprender a abogar por todas las personas con discapacidades.
Las sesiones de inglés se llevarán a cabo virtualmente del 1 al 17 de abril los lunes y miércoles de 6:00 a 9:00 p.m.
Las sesiones en español se reunirán virtualmente del 29 de abril al 21 de mayo los lunes y martes de 6:00 a 8:00 p.m.
Se ofrece un estipendio de $250 a los participantes por primera vez al completar con éxito todas las sesiones de la serie.