We are thrilled to offer our most popular trainings as permanent on-demand trainings for you to watch at your own pace and in your own space.
To access a training simply click on the image of the training you are interested in, fill out a quick registration form and then watch at your own pace! Several of our trainings are most popular trainings are available in Spanish with the rest coming in Spanish soon! If you would like to access one of our English trainings in Spanish, please register for the training, click the closed captioning button, and choose your language preference in the settings bar.
For those interested in accessing trainings in other languages, check out our Training Calendar. We offer interpretation with advance request for all of our live trainings.
Click on the images to register and watch!
On-Demand Trainings
Understanding Special Education: Introducing the Six Core Principles of IDEA
An introduction to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Special Education Services in Oregon.
This training is designed to help you fully understand special education by exploring all six core principles of IDEA. These principles work together to make sure students with disabilities receive the education and support they need.
Each principle is connected, and none works on its own. By understanding how these principles fit together, you’ll learn how the IEP document should be created and how you can play an active role at every step in the special education process.
Transition Educación Especial: El IEP: ¿Qué Necesita Saber?
Recibe su hijo apoyo en la escuela, tiene usted reuniones con los maestros y terapeutas en la escuela, ¿le entregan un cuadernillo con información después de la junta?
Entonces su hijo tiene un Programa de Educación Individualizado (IEP), el cuál describe las necesidades y servicios de educación especial de su hijo/a. ¡Obtenga más información sobre cómo se desarrolla el IEP y porqué su participación es fundamental!
Transition to Kindergarten - English
Kindergarten means lots of changes for your child experiencing disability.
Get tips and tools for a successful year, learn about the Individualized Education Program (IEP) and how to be your child’s #1 fan and advocate.
Transición al Kindergarten - Español
El kindergarten significa muchos cambios para su hijo con discapacidad.
Obtenga consejos y herramientas para un año exitoso, aprenda sobre el Programa de Educación Individualizado (IEP) y cómo ser el fanático y defensor # 1 de su hijo.
ABCs for Little Ones in Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education
If your baby, toddler, or preschooler has a disability or developmental delay, you need this training!
Learn all about eligibility, services, parent involvement, and how to think positively about your child’s bright future.
The IEP: What you Need to Know...the Middle and High School Years
Moving into middle and high school are big transitions!
Learn about steps you can take to begin preparing for life after school.
Behaviors at School: Supports, Strategies, Success!
Behavior IS communication!
During this on-demand training, you’ll learn what behavior is, develop strategies to decrease challenging behavior at home and school, and receive tips and tools to help you partner with your child’s IEP team to develop appropriate behavior services to support your child.