Funding Partners
FACT Oregon strives to be there for families navigating disability.
Your organization can help.
Grants and sponsorships provide critical sources of support for FACT Oregon programs and initiatives. Explore recent government, foundation, and corporate contributions of $2,500 or more. And let us know if your organization is interested in supporting our work!
FACT Oregon is the state’s federally-designated Parent Training and Information Center. A grant from the US Department of Education Office of Special Programs specifically supports work to provide families with the information they need to access and participate in special education systems and services. FACT Oregon’s current grant period is October 2020-September 2025.
FACT Oregon is similarly the state-designated Parent Training and Information Center. Through a grant from the Oregon Department of Education, FACT Oregon helps families navigating disability to learn about and access special education services.
FACT Oregon is a current grantee of the Oregon Health Authority through its Public Health Equity Funding program. The goal of the grant is to support community-based organizations (CBO’s) as part of OHA’s commitment to improving health equity in communities of color, Tribal communities, disability communities, immigrant and refugee communities, undocumented communities, migrant and seasonal farmworkers, LGBTQIA+ communities, faith communities, older adults, houseless communities, and others.
$25,000 - $99,999
A $30,000 general operating grant from The JTMF Foundation provides unrestricted funds in 2023-24 to help empower families navigating disability through trainings, support, advocacy, and resources.
A 3-year general operating grant from the Marie Lamfrom Charitable Foundation provides $25,000/year in unrestricted funds for the grant period of October 2023-September 2026. The final year’s award will be a match of individual and corporate donations, up to $25,000.
A capacity-building grant from Meyer Memorial Trust of $75,000 per year was received for the period of October 2021-September 2023 and supported FACT Oregon to engage families in legislative, policy and advocacy work to improve equity for students with disabilities.
We are thrilled to receive a $91,000 general operating grant over two years from the James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation for work in 2023-24 and 2024-25. This grant provides unrestricted support that furthers efforts to support and educate families, remove barriers, provide resources, and participate in statewide equity work.
FACT Oregon was a recipient of OnPoint’s Employee Giving Campaign in August 2023, which raised $34, 951 for FACT Oregon! Additionally, an unrestricted Financial Wellness Partner gift of $15,000 from OnPoint Community Credit Union honors work in 2024 on financial empowerment for youth with disabilities.
A $25,000 2024 Statewide Outreach Sponsorship from the Oregon Division of Financial Regulation’s Department of Consumer and Business Services supports FACT Oregon’s financial empowerment work for youth with disabilities and their families. As part of this work, we will help families and youth learn about DFR services and resources and make good decisions about financial services to support whole, full lives.
$10,000 - $24,999
Charter Mechanical made a generous $10,000 unrestricted gift in March 2023 to support our work!
In 2022-23, FACT Oregon received $15,000 as part of a 2-year general-operating grant from The Collins Foundation totaling $40,000.
A $10,000 grant from The Ford Family Foundation for 2023-24 supports Regional and Virtual Learning Summits across the state. Our calendar features regional summits on special education in Pendleton, Roseburg and Hood River as well as virtual summits on early childhood services and transition to adulthood topics.
The Juliet Ashby Hillman Foundation made a 2-year general program grant of $15,000/year to support FACT Oregon trainings and outreach to families experiencing disability and partners. The foundation’s goal is to "mitigate risk factors that impact a young person's ability to reach their full potential."
New York Life made a generous $10,000 unrestricted grant in 2022-23 to support our work.
A $15,000 general operating grant with support from the Wilbur and Lela Jackson Family Fund and the Robert H. Noyes, Jr. Fund of Oregon Community Foundation supports operations in 2023-24. This grant helps ensure that families navigating disability have access to quality support, trainings, and resources.
A $10,000 general operating grant from the Robert D. and Marcia H. Randall Charitable Trust supports our work in 2023-24 to support, train, and provide resources to families navigating disability.
The Standard made a $10,000 contribution to support the 2023 Fall AYA Parent Leadership Program and the 2023 Dream Big Dreams event.
$2,500 - $9,999
The Autzen Foundation awarded FACT Oregon a $6,000 program grant for our Support Line for the 2023-24 fiscal year. This grant helps provide 1:1 peer-led support to families navigating disability and special education.
Becker Capital Management has supported FACT Oregon at the $2,500 level since 2018 with sponsorships annually for Dream BIG Dreams and/or the All Ability Tri4Youth.
A $5,000 grant from Believe In Me supports trainings furthering youth self-determination, future planning, and financial empowerment in 2024.
CareOregon provides consistent sponsorship support of our All Ability Tri4Youth and/or Dream BIG Dreams events at the $2,500 level.
Jackson Care Connect helped us bring the All Ability Tri4Youth program to Southern Oregon in 2022 as a $2,500 sponsor.
Multnomah County Division of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities sponsored our 2023 Dream Big Dreams event at the $2,500 level.
The Oregon ABLE Savings Plan sponsored our spring 2023 youth financial literacy series: Self Determination and Financial Empowerment for Youth with Disabilities.
A $6,200 grant from the OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation provides unrestricted support in 2024 to help us reach and serve families navigating disability and special education across the state.
A $5,000 grant from The Wildhorse Foundation supports the 2023 Eastern Oregon Regional Learning Summit as well as rural outreach for virtual summits in 2023-24.