At FACT Oregon, we provide high-quality support and resources to families and the community about disability and special education. Here is what you can expect from us and what we ask of you. We are not attorneys and cannot provide legal advice or representation.
What To Expect from FACT Oregon:
Support and Services
We will give you clear information about the support and services we offer. We will give you individual help. We will share resources, tools, and info based on your needs. We will not recommend or suggest any treatment, philosophy, or program. We will make sure you know your options. We will explain the clear steps you can take to resolve your questions or concerns. We will share information about related trainings. We will do our best to provide support and information in your preferred language. This may be through a language line.
Availability and Response Time
Regular hours are weekdays, 9 AM to 3 PM. Our support team will respond to requests within 24-48 hours. If we expect a longer wait time, we will let you know. During regular hours, staff prepare for and make calls, attend meetings, respond to requests, and send follow-ups. We value all requests and respond in the order they are received. We prioritize urgent needs for situations that are critical and time sensitive. Examples are on our website. The same support specialist will work with you until your request is complete unless there is a clear need to transfer support due to availability.
Respectful Communication and Privacy
We will create a safe and understanding environment for you and your family. All our interactions will be based on respect. We will protect your personal information. We will never share details about you or your family without your permission, unless required by law. If you are working with another partner and want us to access information, we will ask for a signed release of information (ROI).
IFSP / IEP Meeting Attendance
While we offer support in many ways, we know many families are seeking someone to attend their upcoming meeting. FACT Oregon staff have limited availability to attend meetings and may be able to support families in special situations. We will look at:
Staff capacity and availability.
The urgency of the issue.
What steps have already been taken.
Additional barriers families may have.
Limitations of Support
FACT Oregon provides informational support and resources. We are not attorneys and cannot offer legal advice or representation.
If you receive legal or advocacy services, please continue to work with your attorney or advocate. We will defer support to them.
What We Ask From You:
Recognize Our Focus
FACT Oregon helps families navigate special education and disability systems and services. There may be times your need is not within our focus area. We will do our best to connect you with resources that provide the information you seek.
Understand Our Process
Please respect our working hours so we protect staff well-being and ensure high-quality support. Please be familiar with our response times. These exist to help us answer calls in the order in which they are received.
Communicate Respectfully
Please communicate with us and others in a courteous and respectful way. Positive communication helps us support you better. FACT Oregon will not tolerate or engage in communication that is racist, ableist, homophobic, slanderous, derogatory, or threatening.
Be Patient
We are committed to providing high-quality, accurate support for your situation. At times, this may take longer than expected. We ask for your patience as we work to support you.
Be Brave
We believe in you! Our support is most effective when you take action based on what you have learned. We believe working together is key to getting the best results for your family. It can be a challenge, and we are here to support you.