FACT Oregon Blog
Welcome to the FACT Oregon blog! Here we share stories and tips by staff and community members.
Would you like to write a blog post about your family, your experience with FACT Oregon, or navigating school, goal setting, and living a self determined life? Email Amy Geoffroy at amy@factoregon.org for more information!
Career Technical Education (CTE) for Students with Disabilities
CTE prepares students for success after high school, including jobs, further education, or independent living, and students with disabilities are no exception!
Finding the Pieces (Part 2). Meet the Staff: Whitnie Trost
Whitnie Trost shares more about her efforts to support the self-determination of her son Chris, who is 20. “Moral of the story: expect little, get little. Expect a lot and provide the right support and prompts, and Chris will rise to the occasion and do a great job.”