“It always seems impossible, until it’s done” Nelson Mandela

My son and I working through one of his assignments.

By Lucia Alonso


Alex and Tony share a diagnosis that many believe would prevent them from doing many things. While this is somewhat true, the people who surround these boys make sure to help them achieve all they CAN do. Autism doesn’t define them, it makes them unique. These boys have taught us so many things with their pure existence. Tony has autism like Alex and is also legally blind. Today, he rode a bike all by himself for the first time ever. This, this is huge, it’s something his family and ours feel blessed to have witnessed. When these boys do something, it’s celebrated because at one point, we were told they could/would never be able to. Alex and Tony are the reason we celebrate today, they have taught us more than we ever imagined, and today and everyday, they are our heroes!

“It always seems impossible, until it’s done” Nelson Mandela


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